Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 221) - Amanda York from Grimshaw on design authenticity & designing specifically for place Listen Now
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    Construction transformation essential to capitalise on building momentum
    Construction transformation essential to capitalise on building momentum

    This year has been one of predominately negative headlines for construction. While the sector has been relentlessly building after years of pandemic disruption, the spotlight has centred on insolvencies, project delays, commercial and residential property faults, and cost spikes.

    Australia’s housing crisis lost in translation
    Australia’s housing crisis lost in translation

    If you didn’t know better, you would think someone is trying to hide the embarrassing detail of Australia’s escalating housing crisis.

    The enduring success of the 2022 Sustainability Awards
    The enduring success of the 2022 Sustainability Awards

    Success takes on many shapes and forms. Great success, as they say, has many mothers and fathers. This year’s Awards - our 16th to date – was a great success. It also happened to be our most measurable Sustainability Awards we’ve had to date; and by that, I mean in terms of the sheer volume of data we managed to collect.

    What makes a healthy town centre in 2022?
    What makes a healthy town centre in 2022?

    COVID-19 has exacerbated feelings of loneliness in communities around the world and, with an estimated 33 percent of adults experiencing loneliness in their lifetime, wellness-driven city design is more critical than ever before.

    Contemporary, creative and cost-effective: Spowers’ refurb design transforms Holmesglen library
    Contemporary, creative and cost-effective: Spowers’ refurb design transforms Holmesglen library

    A traditional suburban TAFE library has been transformed into a thriving and dynamic student hub through a powerful refurbishment by Spowers’ architects and interior designers.

    Electric vehicle transition set to provide huge health benefits
    Electric vehicle transition set to provide huge health benefits

    At a time when a spate of new coal and gas mines are being planned around the world and in Australia, and when science tells us time is now short to avoid climate tipping points, rational society must aim to urgently reduce greenhouse emissions where it can.

    Hassell ramps up its research on healthcare design
    Hassell ramps up its research on healthcare design

    How do we design healthcare facilities where everyone feels included? The answer is to give people a choice.

    What is the role of an industrial designer in the built environment?
    What is the role of an industrial designer in the built environment?

    What is the role of an industrial designer? An industrial designer is the expert who can methodically plan and conceptualise creative and innovative systems that traverse the constraints of traditional building materials and construction methodologies, to deliver concepts that push the boundaries of design.

    Can retail streets save our cities?
    Can retail streets save our cities?

    Woods Bagot principal Christopher Lye shares his thoughts on how built retail – despite the recent disruption – holds significant placemaking power if designed with the right priorities in mind.

    The ever-changing evolution of traditional hotel spaces
    The ever-changing evolution of traditional hotel spaces

    This article has been written by Carr Associate Director, Rebecca Trenorden, who recently joined her industry peers at the 2022 No Vacancy Hotel Expo in Sydney to discuss Australia’s hotel evolution and the associated shifts designers are welcoming to the sector.

    Rethinking the suburban office – how architects can design human-centred business precincts for the future of work
    Rethinking the suburban office – how architects can design human-centred business precincts for the future of work

    There is no doubt that suburban and regional offices have an amazing opportunity post-pandemic to become prime business locations, poised to play an important role in the new world of work.

    Seeking Resonance: The life-architecture of Gregory Burgess
    Seeking Resonance: The life-architecture of Gregory Burgess

    Award-winning Australian architect Gregory Burgess has brought a new exhibition to the University of Melbourne as part of the Alumni Survey Series at the Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning.

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