Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 221) - Amanda York from Grimshaw on design authenticity & designing specifically for place Listen Now
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    How moral rights laws may prevent one holy row over Synagogue redesign
    How moral rights laws may prevent one holy row over Synagogue redesign

    Lippman Partnership’s redesign of the award-winning Emanuel Synagogue entered a new phase in 2020 when the Synagogue engaged another architect to carry out a refurbishment of the adjacent original Synagogue Sanctuary.

    I live in an apartment. How can I cut my risk of getting COVID?
    I live in an apartment. How can I cut my risk of getting COVID?

    Governments are pressing ahead with home quarantine for returning travellers and people are isolating at home due to COVID-19. So now is a good time to think about what you can do to reduce your risk of infection if you live in an apartment.

    How digital twin technology can help the AEC industry’s challenges in 2021 and beyond
    How digital twin technology can help the AEC industry’s challenges in 2021 and beyond

    In a time of rapid change, with the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry evolving faster than ever, businesses are looking towards technology solutions that provide real-world results for better, faster, and more profitable projects.

    How ‘disruptive’ digital twin technology will future-proof the AEC sector
    How ‘disruptive’ digital twin technology will future-proof the AEC sector

    Between raging bushfires, record droughts and a global pandemic, Australia’s architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry has endured immense challenges over the past two years.

    As summer approaches, microgrids are more crucial than ever before
    As summer approaches, microgrids are more crucial than ever before

    The extreme heat currently scorching and burning through the western United States has sparked a debate in Washington about the capacity of centralised power grids to deal with the exigencies of climate change.

    The future of automated vehicles has a long and winding road ahead
    The future of automated vehicles has a long and winding road ahead

    Automated vehicles will provide many benefits to drivers and the transport industry, but there is still a way to go before the technology is ready. Paul Budde reports.

    Third Spaces – an extension of the workplace
    Third Spaces – an extension of the workplace

    Responding to an altered workplace climate and incentivising staff back into empty tenancies across Australia’s capital cities, Carr is partnering strategically with landlords and building owners to design environments that imbed choice and variety into the traditional format. The result is a diversity of work and meeting environments referred to as 'third spaces'.

    Why aren't pedestrians the main focus of road safety?
    Why aren't pedestrians the main focus of road safety?

    In February 2020 a drunk driver drove onto a footpath in Sydney, killing four children and injuring three others as they walked to get ice-creams. These incidents are just two of many grim reminders that pedestrians are an especially vulnerable group of road users.

    Is education the key to designing better cities?
    Is education the key to designing better cities?

    Australia’s major cities are home to almost three-quarters of all Australian residents, with the Australian population predicted to reach between 28.3 and 29.3 million people by 2027 and 40 million by 2050.

    The pandemic is changing retail design
    The pandemic is changing retail design

    Compared to many nations, Australia has weathered the COVID-19 outbreak relatively well. While others still languish in lockdown, most of us have returned to something approaching normal life (snap restrictions to stamp on localised outbreaks excepted).

    Melbourne architecture won't benefit from group thinking
    Melbourne architecture won't benefit from group thinking

    The City of Melbourne is forming a panel of experts to take on architectural designs, eschewing the traditional ways of visionary designers, writes Elroy Rosenberg.

    Will NSW ever have fast trains?
    Will NSW ever have fast trains?

    We have seen a succession of reviews, plans and election promises of faster and better train services for regional New South Wales, home to one third of the state’s population, in recent years. Yet little had been heard from the state government on track works to allow new trains to travel faster until April 29 this year.

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