Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 221) - Amanda York from Grimshaw on design authenticity & designing specifically for place Listen Now
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    CBD businesses may still need to control their post-pandemic spaces
    CBD businesses may still need to control their post-pandemic spaces

    Many businesses within our CBDs may need to rethink how they are able to accommodate excessive amounts of visitors with social distancing rules and health building regulations that are a part of our lives.

    Government-owned firms like Snowy Hydro can do better than building $600 million gas plants
    Government-owned firms like Snowy Hydro can do better than building $600 million gas plants

    The Morrison government has announced it’s building a new gas power plant in the Hunter Valley, committing up to A$600 million for the government-owned corporation Snowy Hydro to construct the project.

    NSW Government misleading with 'green hydrogen' claims
    NSW Government misleading with 'green hydrogen' claims

    The fossil fuel industry is making false claims that a new hybrid coal/hydrogen power plant will help us reach emissions targets.

    Adapting technology to design virus-aware buildings
    Adapting technology to design virus-aware buildings

    One of the immediate impacts the COVID-19 pandemic has and will continue to have on our industry is changes to the specifications on new projects.

    Victoria saves national parks with new feral horse plan while NSW methods remain cruel and ineffective
    Victoria saves national parks with new feral horse plan while NSW methods remain cruel and ineffective

    Feral horses are a catastrophic problem for the environment, particularly in the high country that crosses the New South Wales and Victoria border.

    7 common mistakes you should avoid in architectural renders
    7 common mistakes you should avoid in architectural renders urges you to avoid the seven deadly sins of common architectural rendering mistakes, so you can transform your renders into marketing magic.

    Why cities planning to spend billions on light rail should look again at what buses can do
    Why cities planning to spend billions on light rail should look again at what buses can do

    Many cities in Australia and around the world have recently made or proposed investments in new light rail systems. They often do so in the belief this will not only increase public transport use, but also lead urban renewal and improve a city’s global image.

    Designing for female facilities in elite sport
    Designing for female facilities in elite sport

    The NRLW and AFLW may not rake in the same dollars as their male counterparts, but they are continuing to inspire a new legion of female fans and players that are looking to make their own individual mark on the game.

    Managed retreat of settlements remains a tough call even as homes flood and coasts erode
    Managed retreat of settlements remains a tough call even as homes flood and coasts erode

    It is no joke that New South Wales residents are in the midst of their fourth “one in 100 year” event since January 2020. Much of the Australian east coast continues to experience heavy rainfall, strong winds and abnormally high tides. All will make the current floods worse.

    Addressing fire safety in aged care facilities during COVID-19
    Addressing fire safety in aged care facilities during COVID-19

    The Australian Government has been working closely with the aged care sector to safeguard the health and wellbeing of older Australians during the coronavirus pandemic.

    Urban noise policy is needed to protect city wildlife population
    Urban noise policy is needed to protect city wildlife population

    A fauna-sensitive urban noise policy that can help look after impacted wild populations in our cities is overdue, writes Dr Peter Fisher.

    Reduce, re-use, recycle: how the new relaxed Olympic rules make Brisbane’s 2032 bid affordable
    Reduce, re-use, recycle: how the new relaxed Olympic rules make Brisbane’s 2032 bid affordable

    Brisbane is in pole position to win the rights to stage the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2032, after being named as the preferred candidate city last month. The excitement is building, but the hard economic realities of staging a mega-event can’t be ignored.

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