Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 221) - Amanda York from Grimshaw on design authenticity & designing specifically for place Listen Now
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    Battle of scales: Our CBDs are no match for a micrometre invader
    Battle of scales: Our CBDs are no match for a micrometre invader

    The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that something as microscopic as a virus is enough to weaken our strongest city technology.

    The Staysharp Knife
    The Staysharp Knife

    In 1964 Dennis Jackson, a design engineer for Wiltshire cutlery in Melbourne saw a US market survey that showed that 80 percent of Americans didn't know how to sharpen a knife. Rather than respond with better knife sharpener he saw an opportunity to create a self-sharpening knife.

    How COVID-19 is affecting your house rental
    How COVID-19 is affecting your house rental

    Housing rental is one of the many sectors in Australia that’s been pummelled by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Is a construction loan suitable for your small home renovation?
    Is a construction loan suitable for your small home renovation?

    During the first three months of 2020 alone, Aussies spent close to $30 billion on renovations, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

    The Geometrik golf club
    The Geometrik golf club

    We’re a sports mad lot, by which we mean Australians generally, not us in particular. But as Roy and HG say, if it moves and sweats, we’ll watch it.

    The Coolgardie Safe
    The Coolgardie Safe

    More than 90 percent of Australians live at the green edge, where the climate is relatively benign; less than 10 percent live in the bush, the dry interior or the deserted centre.

    Coloured Collars
    Coloured Collars

    You may have noticed that the MSM press has recently taken to describing sectors of society by the colour of collars. We investigated and were surprised at the variety of colours now on offer, but disappointed to find that there was not one singled out for designers or architects.

    The Aussie Ute
    The Aussie Ute

    The ‘ute’ is an all-Australian invention. The word that is, not the vehicle design. Testament to our infinite ability to shorten words (utility), our infuriating habit of copying things (US pick-ups) and an infantile obsession with bad DIY (the ute muster).

    Architecture: the fine line between inspired and copied
    Architecture: the fine line between inspired and copied

    When it comes to architecture, imitation could be the sincerest – and most sensible – form of flattery.

    The Winged Keel
    The Winged Keel

    Design is a team sport, and no sport relies on teamwork more than yachting, especially the America's cup.

    Pandemic proofing city buildings: using natural ventilation to reduce the spread of airborne viruses
    Pandemic proofing city buildings: using natural ventilation to reduce the spread of airborne viruses

    The architecture profession is questioning how COVID-19 will shape future cities and their buildings.

    HCV Precast Panels
    HCV Precast Panels

    The recent controversy over the lockdown in apartment towers in Flemington and North Melbourne caused many to ask: “What are those awful buildings?”, not least Annabelle Quince who produces the excellent Rear Vision program ABC RN, found here. The answer has a similar arc to last week's episode about Daceyville: a triumph of design, a failure of society.

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