Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 221) - Amanda York from Grimshaw on design authenticity & designing specifically for place Listen Now
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    Snowy to Point Zero
    Snowy to Point Zero

    We are told that the COVID pandemic is like a ‘war’, and just as wars past were often followed by infrastructure projects, so the age of Coronavirus will be followed by boomtime construction projects, one of which is Snowy 2.0.

    Bad Graphics
    Bad Graphics

    We here at +one try to bring you positive examples of great Australian design and sustainability, but every once in a while something turns up that's just so bad we have to call it out and address the issue.

    David Unaipon / Ngunaitponi
    David Unaipon / Ngunaitponi

    Our discussion of the design of the first decimal currency bank notes in Australia included the irony of having the ‘architect’ Francis Greenway, a convicted forger, on the new $2 note in 1966.

    How COVID-19 is forcing a rethink on the idea of co-living
    How COVID-19 is forcing a rethink on the idea of co-living

    According to the Buchan Group, the residential sector has always been a paradox of differences dependant on price point, location, supply and demand, demographics, community, and transport integration.

    How the pandemic is forcing change in the architecture industry
    How the pandemic is forcing change in the architecture industry

    A fellow architect and educator made a remark recently that architectural education has broadly been the same for 200 years. What a feat it has been, then, to adapt and turn the whole thing on its head in the space of two weeks after COVID-19 lockdown was announced in March.

    Keyline Design
    Keyline Design

    Soil is a dirty word. Pejorative even. Soiled clothes; soiled himself; soiled reputation. Usually washed clean with water. Both soil and water are vital for growing food, hence fundamental for life, but Australia is the poorest continent for both.

    The Furphies
    The Furphies

    Our esteemed federal treasurer, Josh Frydenberg celebrated the recent re-opening of pubs by pouring a beer for the TV cameras. Seen on ABC TV that night he had a wry chuckle when a customer asked for a beer called Furphy. The irony of a politician indulging a slang word that means an unreliable rumour was not lost on him

    How to design a post-pandemic urban hotel
    How to design a post-pandemic urban hotel

    There has been intense speculation regarding the future of hotels, and how they may and will change as we transfer into living with COVID-19, and eventually a post- COVID phase.

    The Square Pie
    The Square Pie

    Footy’s back. Modern Marn Grook, as we examined last week. Normal service has been resumed with 17 clubs rejoicing that Collingwood didn’t get up. Play on.

    Marn Grook
    Marn Grook

    Winter has come; and thoughts turn to footy; and for +one it is the design of the game that is of interest.

    Visual Communications
    Visual Communications

    Who’s to blame when the ATO makes a $60 billion error? Business people making mistakes filling out the application forms, that’s who they blame.

    A radical new vision for our cities
    A radical new vision for our cities

    While bunkered down in his Barcelona apartment, in the depths of the coronavirus shutdown, Professor Mark Nieuwenhuijsen started noticing something different.

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