Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 221) - Amanda York from Grimshaw on design authenticity & designing specifically for place Listen Now
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    The first decimal currency designer, Gordon Andrews
    The first decimal currency designer, Gordon Andrews

    On St Valentine's day 1966 Australia adopted decimal currency with new notes and coins, in dollars and cents to replace pounds, shillings, and pence. The five new notes, designed by Gordon Andrews, are arguably the finest of Australian graphic design.

    What makes a smart home ‘smart’?
    What makes a smart home ‘smart’?

    “Being intelligent is knowing that a tomato is a fruit – being smart is to not put it in a fruit salad.” Based on this example of the difference between ‘intelligent’ and ‘smart’, do smart homes really exist?

    Feeling the vibe – the value of public art
    Feeling the vibe – the value of public art

    If you feel like sparking a heated conversation, throw the match of public art into any group get together, and it’ll warm up pretty fast.

    The destruction of Cabbage Tree Creek
    The destruction of Cabbage Tree Creek

    Natural disaster and manmade destruction is ruining the serenity of one of Australia's hidden gems.

    The office design revolution helping to win over potential employees
    The office design revolution helping to win over potential employees

    Forget company cars and gym memberships, the way to an employee’s heart is through innovative and exciting office design says Margot Van Der Poel, brand manager of SPACES ME&APAC.

    Top eight styles for houses in 2020
    Top eight styles for houses in 2020

    Top home experts, architects and interior designers reveal what will shape the homes of a new decade.

    The use of industrial design in Sydney’s Metro North West street furniture
    The use of industrial design in Sydney’s Metro North West street furniture

    It's easy to take street furniture for granted as it’s such a ubiquitous component of public transport, but behind the scenes careful consideration, research and design thinking goes into a humble bench seat or bus shelter to ensure it plays its part in improving the commuter experience.

    OPINION: How the Coalition Government has been ineffective in dealing with our fire crisis
    OPINION: How the Coalition Government has been ineffective in dealing with our fire crisis

    Aside from the Prime Minister abandoning the nation as it burned, other Liberal Party ministers have handled the situation equally as ineptly, writes Dr Binoy Kampmark.

    Smart cities and places – Digital predictions for 2020
    Smart cities and places – Digital predictions for 2020

    With a growing reliance on connected systems within our smart cities and places, how do we build in cyber resilience?

    Do we need to kill the NSW Design Building Practitioners Bill?
    Do we need to kill the NSW Design Building Practitioners Bill?

    The Design and Building Practitioners Bill currently before the NSW Parliament must heed the lessons of the Banking Royal Commission or the bill will fix nothing and make things worse.

    Lack of information on apartment defects leaves whole market on shaky footings
    Lack of information on apartment defects leaves whole market on shaky footings

    Fears of a loss of confidence in the construction sector have unfortunately come true. Our research suggests a lack of reliable information about building defects is a critical factor in the crisis.

    Putting homes in high-risk areas is asking too much of firefighters
    Putting homes in high-risk areas is asking too much of firefighters

    We rely heavily on emergency services to protect people and property, but strategic land-use planning can improve resilience and help reduce the risk in the first place. This would mean giving more weight to considering bushfire hazards at the earliest stages of planning housing supply.

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