Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 221) - Amanda York from Grimshaw on design authenticity & designing specifically for place Listen Now
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    No Australian city has a long-term vision for living sustainably. We can't go on like this
    No Australian city has a long-term vision for living sustainably. We can't go on like this

    International and internal migration trends have driven rapid growth in the big cities, especially Melbourne and Sydney. This has created major problems with providing adequate housing, infrastructure and services.

    We made a flammable cladding database to help boost fire safety in our buildings
    We made a flammable cladding database to help boost fire safety in our buildings

    Modern buildings have seen rapid development in recent decades, with a push towards sustainable practices and improved energy efficiency. But the advancement of fire safety has been less prioritised, and we need to rethink our approach.

    The destruction of Sydney's cultural spaces is creating a city of ghosts
    The destruction of Sydney's cultural spaces is creating a city of ghosts

    Sydney is a city of ghosts: so much of the historic building fabric of this city is gone.

    Tone on Tuesday: On affordability
    Tone on Tuesday: On affordability

    What do we mean by affordability, particularly affordable housing, and how could architects help?

    Beds in car parks don't solve Australia's rough sleeping problem
    Beds in car parks don't solve Australia's rough sleeping problem

    A plan to provide homeless people with overnight beds and shelter in car parks might sound like a good idea but it does little to solve their problem in the long term. There are other proven ways we can help those sleeping rough to break out of the homelessness cycle.

    The hidden traffic impacts of private schooling
    The hidden traffic impacts of private schooling

    What if, in weighing up the pros and cons of private schooling, and in calculating their economic costs versus benefits, we’ve all missed something rather important? Until now, no one has considered the impacts on city traffic.

    The Blinky Bill effect: when gum trees are cut down, where do the koalas go?
    The Blinky Bill effect: when gum trees are cut down, where do the koalas go?

    There has been an unprecedented increase in the area of blue gum plantations in southern Australia. More koalas may seem like a good thing, but perversely this could ultimately harm their welfare (and the welfare of other native animals and plants), and disrupt the plantation industry.

    Migrant communities keep our cemeteries alive as more Anglo-Australians turn to cremation
    Migrant communities keep our cemeteries alive as more Anglo-Australians turn to cremation

    Australian society has changed significantly since cemeteries in Victoria were planned and designed 150 years ago. But there haven’t been any major redevelopment or review of the community’s changing requirements for what happens to our bodies when we die.

    Water may soon lap at the door, but still some homeowners don't want to rock the boat
    Water may soon lap at the door, but still some homeowners don't want to rock the boat

    It is becoming increasingly possible that sea-level rise of a metre or more will occur this century. Yet the very act of officials identifying homes exposed to sea-level rise can be vehemently opposed by the owners, let alone policies to deal with it.

    Tone on Tuesday: On crit culture
    Tone on Tuesday: On crit culture

    We are fast approaching crit season in our architecture schools (not to mention all the other design disciplines). Some 10,000 students across the 18 Australian architecture schools will present their end of year schemes to a panel of assessors, academics and practitioners.

    Postcode by postcode: a clever way to include homes in the age pension assets test
    Postcode by postcode: a clever way to include homes in the age pension assets test

    Here’s the boldest idea the government’s inquiry into retirement incomes should consider but might not: no longer exempting all of the value of each retiree’s home from the pension assets test.

    To bolster our fragile road and rail system we need to add a 'micro-mobility' network
    To bolster our fragile road and rail system we need to add a 'micro-mobility' network

    Why are our transport systems so fragile, and how could we make them more resilient? The answer may lie in the infrastructure we provide for the emerging trend of micro-mobility – devices that are small, light and usually electric-powered.

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