Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 221) - Amanda York from Grimshaw on design authenticity & designing specifically for place Listen Now
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    Feeding the world: archaeology can help us learn from history to build a sustainable future for food
    Feeding the world: archaeology can help us learn from history to build a sustainable future for food

    A food system that produces nutritious food without harming the environment or other aspects of our well-being is sorely needed. But can it produce enough food to feed billions of people while reversing biodiversity loss and pollution?

    We built a network of greenhouses and rain shelters to simulate what climate change will do to soils
    We built a network of greenhouses and rain shelters to simulate what climate change will do to soils

    The significant impacts of weather extremes are well documented on both our native terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Less documented is what’s happening beneath our feet.

    For the first time in a long time, we're setting up a generation to be worse off than the one before it
    For the first time in a long time, we're setting up a generation to be worse off than the one before it

    A new Grattan Institute report, Generation gap: ensuring a fair go for younger Australians, reveals that younger generations are not making the same economic gains as their predecessors.

    First home buyer schemes aren't enough to meet young adults' housing aspirations
    First home buyer schemes aren't enough to meet young adults' housing aspirations

    A report released by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute adds nuance to debates about generational change and housing by examining how housing aspirations differ among emerging adults and in early adulthood.

    More than milk and bread: corner store revival can rebuild neighbourhood ties
    More than milk and bread: corner store revival can rebuild neighbourhood ties

    Once an icon of suburban Australia, many neighbourhood corner stores vanished in the face of unrelenting competition from large supermarkets, global convenience franchises, modern service stations and extended trading hours. Lately, though, a corner-store revival of sorts has been under way.

    UN climate change report: land clearing and farming contribute a third of the world's greenhouse gases
    UN climate change report: land clearing and farming contribute a third of the world's greenhouse gases

    We can’t achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement without managing emissions from land use, according to a special report released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

    Creating cognitive buildings, the present and future
    Creating cognitive buildings, the present and future

    Cognitive buildings are becoming more commonplace as technology evolves, giving facility managers tools they need to better manage a buildings' energy and operations while also creating more positive experiences for their occupants.

    What sort of housing do older Australians want and where do they want to live?
    What sort of housing do older Australians want and where do they want to live?

    Australia faces a massive challenge delivering suitable housing for an ageing population, according to a report released by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) which sheds light on older Australians’ housing aspirations.

    Focus on managing social housing waiting lists is failing low-income households
    Focus on managing social housing waiting lists is failing low-income households

    As the social housing sector continues to shrink, more and more people in need are left sitting on waiting lists, with some eligible applicants waiting up to 10 years to be housed.

    Hybrid working: The final evolution of workplace design?
    Hybrid working: The final evolution of workplace design?

    James Calder of Calder Consultants discusses hybrid working, and the challenges that this new model brings to workplace designers.

    Apartment life for families means living at close quarters, but often feeling isolated too
    Apartment life for families means living at close quarters, but often feeling isolated too

    Newer high-rise developments in Australia’s inner-city areas are increasingly home to parents raising young children. Studies show parents are experiencing a range of barriers to making social connections both within their developments and with the surrounding community.

    International students rank Melbourne and Sydney in world's top cities – but we can make them feel safer
    International students rank Melbourne and Sydney in world's top cities – but we can make them feel safer

    Australia has been ranked as one of the top destinations to study internationally. These results are highly influential and clearly drive education decision-making.

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