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Jim Plume says a key to achieving a low carbon future for Australia is to find effective ways of managing and distributing information within the planning, design, construction and infrastructure management professions.
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Judy Hollingworth, CEO of Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA), advocates for the independent ecolabelling of building products.
The building design industry is having to react to an abrupt proposal to scrap mandatory energy ratings for new homes in Victoria, ditching the 6-star thermal efficiency rules in favour of a voluntary code. Building product industry member Edith Paarhammer comments.
As sustainability moves into the mainstream, Steve Driscoll from Landcom observes how the home building industry is adapting, and meeting the challenges of rising energy and water costs and tougher regulations.
He's back! BPN's readers ask the magazine's resident expert, Dick Clarke, to help them out of a design quandary.
Green Building Council of Australia chief executive Romilly Madew shares her view on the importance of ratings tools and explains her new global role in the field.
The Building Designers Association of Victoria’s (BDAV) 10 Star Challenge is aimed at giving participants the knowledge of what it takes to reach the ‘holy grail’ of energy efficiency, where no external energy inputs are required for heating and cooling to maintain year-round internal comfort.
Creating resources from rubbish is nothing new - and most of us have the council recycling bins to prove it - but the energy required to collect and recycle rubbish means that an economic argument for recycling often doesn’t stack up.
As a professional in the building and construction industry you’ve no doubt been hearing the two latest buzz terms; BIM (building information modelling), and green building. Although both these ideas bring huge benefits to the industry and future building projects, the really exciting bit is where they intersect.
Mark Sanders shares how Third Ecology has learnt to drill down sustainability into every part of its business.
Keith Anderson explains why energy rating schemes can be a breeding pit for inaccurate results.