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Chris Bosse explains how LAVA is helping Abu Dhabi become a model sustainable city.
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Peter Steele says Australia has a lot to learn from overseas models of sustainable developments.
Energy efficiency standards in the BCA have recently been increased. Darryl O’Brien says the building industry can increase energy efficiency for no extra cost through careful material selection.
Interior designer Karen Garrett discusses the trials and tribulations of designing an office for one of the largest companies in the world.
BPN’s readers ask the magazine’s resident expert, Dick Clarke, to help them out of a design quandary.
Dick Clarke, judge of the BPN Sustainability Awards, contemplates what the word really means.
To the outsider, full life cycle assessment seems to be an oxymoron for 'simple and concise'. Ross Maher explains why it is anything but simple.
BPN's readers ask the magazine's resident expert, Dick Clarke, to help them out of a design quandary.