Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 220) - David Malvern from Sekisui House on the rise of prefab house designs in Australia Listen Now
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    Discover Havwoods’ collection of sustainability certified products
    Discover Havwoods’ collection of sustainability certified products

    At Havwoods, we pride ourselves on providing high quality wood products that are eco-friendly and eco-certified.

    Carr anoints the next generation of leaders
    Carr anoints the next generation of leaders

    Design practice Carr has announced the succession of Stephen McGarry, David Brooks, and Richard Beel to Directors – in a move it says represents the next generation of leaders.

    Nuclear power has merits, but investing in renewables ensures long-term energy security, says academic
    Nuclear power has merits, but investing in renewables ensures long-term energy security, says academic

    Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has announced that he will go to the next election promising to build seven nuclear power stations.  Dutton has promised the sites can be operational between 2035 and 2037 and will be built on retired or retiring coal stations.

    Northcote House by LLDS leads winners’ parade at 2024 Australian Interior Design Awards
    Northcote House by LLDS leads winners’ parade at 2024 Australian Interior Design Awards

    Some of the best examples of interior design excellence, both nationally and internationally, were showcased at the recently announced 2024 Australian Interior Design Awards.

    Soft coat double glazing at Monash Tennis Centre delivers high performance thermal outcomes
    Soft coat double glazing at Monash Tennis Centre delivers high performance thermal outcomes

    Designed by Mantric Architects, this advanced tennis centre boasts extensive soft coat double glazing throughout, delivering high performance thermal outcomes during winter and summer months.

    7 tips to entering and winning the 2024 Sustainability Awards
    7 tips to entering and winning the 2024 Sustainability Awards

    Participating in the 2024 Sustainability Awards can significantly boost your project’s recognition and credibility in the sustainable building industry. Winning an award not only highlights your commitment to sustainability but also places you among the leaders in innovative and eco-friendly design.

    EA calls for proposed changes to prevent building defects
    EA calls for proposed changes to prevent building defects

    Engineers Australia (EA) is calling for changes to the National Construction Code (NCC) that could prevent the leading cause of defects in Australian apartments and commercial buildings: water leaks.

    Government not on track to get every younger person out of aged care by 2025
    Government not on track to get every younger person out of aged care by 2025

    Lisa lives with multiple sclerosis. She used to live in aged care after being admitted there in her late 40s.

    The social value of architecture. Can you put a dollar value on wellbeing?
    The social value of architecture. Can you put a dollar value on wellbeing?

    Well-designed built environments support environmental, economic, and social well-being. Although social value may seem intangible, Eilish explains it can be demonstrated in qualitative, quantitative, and monetised terms, measured with project data and post-occupancy surveys. Common methods include cost-benefit analysis and social return on investment calculations.

    Greenfleet partnership to enable 100% carbon offset of AWS fleet’s freight movements
    Greenfleet partnership to enable 100% carbon offset of AWS fleet’s freight movements

    Architectural Window Systems (AWS) is pleased to announce our partnership with Greenfleet to 100% offset the carbon emissions of our fleet’s freight movements.

    Sustainable trends in new single dwellings
    Sustainable trends in new single dwellings

    Sustainability in Australia’s residential architecture has come along in leaps and bounds over the past 10-15 years. Minimum sustainability standards are being mandated to increasingly stringent guidelines, forcing the industry to both think and operate differently, and ultimately benefiting all of us (and our natural environment).

    Sustainability trends in interior design
    Sustainability trends in interior design

    Australia's design scene has always been a melting pot of influences, reflecting the country’s intricate cultural heritage, our beloved sunshine-soaked lifestyle and deep appreciation of the outdoors and the natural world. These defining characteristics tie in with the idea of sustainability, and in recent years we have seen Australian design become increasingly environment-centric.

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