Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 225) - 2024 AIA Gold Medal Winner Philip Thalis on urban density, transport design and how to fix Sydney Listen Now
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    The YIMBY movement is spreading around the world. What does it mean for Australia’s housing crisis?
    The YIMBY movement is spreading around the world. What does it mean for Australia’s housing crisis?

    2024 looks set to be another year of rising rents, stalling supply and intense debate over how to respond to the housing crisis.

    The importance of understanding space in enabling innovative learning experiences
    The importance of understanding space in enabling innovative learning experiences

    Spaces are complex entities. Education spaces even more so, given they must facilitate many teaching and learning structures and experiences, while also catering for diverse user needs.

    HDR’s six architecture & design megatrends for 2024
    HDR’s six architecture & design megatrends for 2024

    In a climate of innovation, HDR’s architecture practice has forecasted six trajectories of change that will have a transformative impact over the coming year and redefine city-shaping for the foreseeable future.

    How rising sea levels will affect our coastal cities and towns
    How rising sea levels will affect our coastal cities and towns

    Sea-level rise – along with increasing temperatures – is one of the clearest signals of man-made global warming. Yet exactly how rising water levels affect the coast is often misunderstood.

    Super cool materials and irrigated trees: Study shows how to cool one of the world’s hottest cities by 4.5°C
    Super cool materials and irrigated trees: Study shows how to cool one of the world’s hottest cities by 4.5°C

    A combination of cooling technologies and techniques could reduce the temperature and energy needs of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

    How do I use air conditioning efficiently? Is it better to blast it briefly throughout the day, or just leave it on?
    How do I use air conditioning efficiently? Is it better to blast it briefly throughout the day, or just leave it on?

    Despite so many people having air conditioning at home now, many are still unsure how to use it efficiently. And air conditioning uses a lot of energy. For example, running all the lights in an average home all day and night consumes about the same energy as one hour of air conditioning of the same space.

    A prefab building revolution can help resolve both the climate and housing crises
    A prefab building revolution can help resolve both the climate and housing crises

    The world faces an increasing shortage of housing and an escalating climate emergency. These urgent global issues call for quick action and innovative solutions.

    Could rooftop solar could help provide the power we need?
    Could rooftop solar could help provide the power we need?

    Australia is not rolling out clean energy projects nearly fast enough to reach the Australian government’s target of 82 percent renewable electricity by 2030.

    How 2023’s record heat worsened droughts, floods and bushfires around the world
    How 2023’s record heat worsened droughts, floods and bushfires around the world

    2023 was a year of record-breaking heat, devastating storms and floods, deepening droughts and raging wildfires. These events showed how climate change is affecting the global water cycle and our livelihoods.

    If you’ve got solar, can you run aircon without worrying about cost? Not quite
    If you’ve got solar, can you run aircon without worrying about cost? Not quite

    You’re inside on a scorching 40°C day, running your air conditioner on full for extended hours. Normally, you might worry about cost – or even the impact on the grid or the environment. But you’ve got solar on your roof, so you should be producing plenty of power to offset your aircon.

    What is pattern book development and how can it help ease the housing crisis?
    What is pattern book development and how can it help ease the housing crisis?

    Australian cities are grappling with ways to increase housing supply and make it more affordable. One suggested solution is “pattern book” development. The idea made headlines when proposed recently by Housing Now, an alliance of businesses and lobby groups in New South Wales.

    The value differentiator in build-to-rent
    The value differentiator in build-to-rent

    In this comment piece, SJB director Nigel Morris discusses a test case for amenity-driven living in the build-to-rent sector.

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