Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 225) - 2024 AIA Gold Medal Winner Philip Thalis on urban density, transport design and how to fix Sydney Listen Now
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    Why Australia’s net zero transition risks failing unless it is fair
    Why Australia’s net zero transition risks failing unless it is fair

    For those people focused on meeting the profound challenge of shifting our economies from fossil fuels to clean energy sources, recent headlines from Europe have made alarming reading.

    Three things the disability royal commission missed: Health, transport, day programs
    Three things the disability royal commission missed: Health, transport, day programs

    The disability royal commission’s final report included an expansive range of recommendations including the introduction of an Australian disability rights act, a minister for disability inclusion and a department of disability equality and inclusion.

    Generative design in urban design, planning and sustainability
    Generative design in urban design, planning and sustainability

    Generative design is something where you throw a whole bunch of constructs at the machine, and the machine bounces through a whole lot of iterations, and presents you the best possible scenarios, says Andy Cunningham, the senior regional director of Australia and New Zealand at Autodesk.

    A successful energy transition depends on managing when people use power. So how do we make demand more flexible?
    A successful energy transition depends on managing when people use power. So how do we make demand more flexible?

    In New South Wales, for instance, the government has flagged it may defer the closure of Eraring coal power station beyond 2025.

    Design notes for week 42/2023 from Tone on Tuesday
    Design notes for week 42/2023 from Tone on Tuesday

    There are two ways to look at indigenous affairs: what white society should do to help our indigenous; and how our indigenous could help white society. In the year-long NO campaign we heard endless lies and misinformation about the former, but nothing of the latter. And that’s a tragedy, which could be remedied by design.

    Early heat and insect strike are stressing urban trees – even as canopy cover drops
    Early heat and insect strike are stressing urban trees – even as canopy cover drops

    Have you noticed street trees looking oddly sad? You’re not alone. Normally, spring means fresh green leaves and flowers. But this year, the heat has come early, stressing some trees.

    Even temporary global warming above 2°C will affect life in the oceans for centuries
    Even temporary global warming above 2°C will affect life in the oceans for centuries

    There is growing consensus that our planet is likely to pass the 1.5°C warming threshold. Research even suggests global warming will temporarily exceed the 2°C threshold, if atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO₂) peaks at levels beyond what was anticipated.

    Purple haze: How the South American jacaranda became a symbol of Australian spring
    Purple haze: How the South American jacaranda became a symbol of Australian spring

    Jacaranda season is beginning across Australia as an explosion of vivid blue spreads in a wave from north to south. We think of jacarandas as a signature tree of various Australian cities. Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth all feature avenues of them.

    The Voice could advise on how to address natural disasters like bushfires
    The Voice could advise on how to address natural disasters like bushfires

    After three wet years, bushfire season has begun again. We have been warned this season could be a bad one.

    It’s not just Victoria’s iconic mountain ash trees at risk – it’s every species in their community
    It’s not just Victoria’s iconic mountain ash trees at risk – it’s every species in their community

    When we think of extinction, we think of individual species. But nature doesn’t operate like that. Entire communities and even whole ecosystems are now so compromised they could be lost entirely. Australia now has about 100 ecological communities at risk.

    Design notes for week 41/2023 from Tone on Tuesday
    Design notes for week 41/2023 from Tone on Tuesday

    It's sad to convey the recent passing of Marshall Thomas Cook, New Zealand's finest domestic architect.

    Sustainability starts in our cities
    Sustainability starts in our cities

    Two in three Australians live in a capital city. Our 21 largest cities are home to 80% of the population. Cities account for 80% of economic activity in Australia. As globally connected hubs, they are crucial sites for community, commerce, infrastructure, biodiversity, governance and democratic processes. Our cities are central to meeting the challenges of a changing climate.

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