Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 225) - 2024 AIA Gold Medal Winner Philip Thalis on urban density, transport design and how to fix Sydney Listen Now
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    Week 30/23: If you build it, they will fund it / Titan’s failure going round in circles / Shark bait / Shameless promotion / Bookends: John Andrews / Signs off: The last of the ICE fuel
    Week 30/23: If you build it, they will fund it / Titan’s failure going round in circles / Shark bait / Shameless promotion / Bookends: John Andrews / Signs off: The last of the ICE fuel

    The re-working of the Australian War Memorial (aka Museum) continues apace. As director, former Liberal leader Brendan Nelson gathered up half a billion dollars from his right-wing mates to demolish the DCM hall, desecrate the front, and extend the sacred into the profane.

    NIMBYism in Sydney is leading to racist outcomes
    NIMBYism in Sydney is leading to racist outcomes

    Residents of the affluent east and north of Greater Sydney have strongly resisted housing development in their suburbs. This NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) resistance has led to urban sprawl in areas of Western Sydney with a well-documented lack of services, infrastructure and jobs.

    New transmission lines are controversial for nearby communities. But batteries and virtual lines could cut how many we need
    New transmission lines are controversial for nearby communities. But batteries and virtual lines could cut how many we need

    Australia’s power grid was built to transport power from coal-fired power stations or the Snowy Hydro scheme to large cities and industrial precincts. The large transmission lines were designed with generation supply and demand, the shortest routes, and cost in mind.

    Building houses in factories for the Commonwealth Games was meant to help the housing crisis. What now?
    Building houses in factories for the Commonwealth Games was meant to help the housing crisis. What now?

    Huge sporting events come with substantial public investment in housing. After Melbourne hosted the 1956 Olympics, about 600 houses in the athlete village became public housing in West Heidelberg.

    How far to the next electric vehicle charging station?
    How far to the next electric vehicle charging station?

    You’re ready for your first long road trip with your new electric vehicle. But there are nagging questions in your mind. “What if I can’t find an available charging station when I need it?” “What if the charger doesn’t work?”

    Product Review: B&Os soundbar hits the right note for style and audio
    Product Review: B&Os soundbar hits the right note for style and audio

    Bang & Olufsen’s Beosound Theatre had been designed to become the central hub for a cutting-edge entertainment experience.

    We owe it to the kids: Using impactful placemaking to create sustainable campuses for Generation Z
    We owe it to the kids: Using impactful placemaking to create sustainable campuses for Generation Z

    “If you choose to fail us, we will never forgive you,” were eleven words expertly aimed at the neck of the world by a 16-year-old Greta Thunberg in 2019. Galvanised and tenacious, a swarm of estimated 4 million people worldwide hit the pavement on what would become the largest climate strike in history – 1.4 million were school-aged children.

    Week 29/23: Radburn suburbs / Athletes’ village housing / Bruce Petty / Bookends: Two by Bruce / Signs off: Morrison + Palmer
    Week 29/23: Radburn suburbs / Athletes’ village housing / Bruce Petty / Bookends: Two by Bruce / Signs off: Morrison + Palmer

    I’ve been thinking about the Radburn design ideas recently. In Radburn suburbia the ‘fronts’ of all houses face onto public gardens, with paths that lead to village centres; cars are on the other side, or ‘rear’, in cul-de-sacs. It is intended to separate the cars, and their ‘dangers’ from the communal outdoor living and play spaces. The urban design takes its name from the suburb in New Jersey USA where this radical rethinking of suburbia first took place.

    Developers aren’t paying enough to offset impacts on koalas and other endangered species
    Developers aren’t paying enough to offset impacts on koalas and other endangered species

    Developers are commonly required to “offset” their impacts on biodiversity. They can do this in two ways.

    Why is it so hard for Local Aboriginal Land Councils to develop land when the public needs are huge?
    Why is it so hard for Local Aboriginal Land Councils to develop land when the public needs are huge?

    Some of the largest landowners across New South Wales are Local Aboriginal Land Councils. Given the acute needs for housing and infrastructure, it’s time the state government enabled these land councils to play a greater role in development.

    Turning the housing crisis around: How a circular economy can give us affordable, sustainable homes
    Turning the housing crisis around: How a circular economy can give us affordable, sustainable homes

    Households across Australia are struggling with soaring energy and housing costs and a lack of housing options.

    YIMBYs and NIMBYs unite! You can have both heritage protection and more housing
    YIMBYs and NIMBYs unite! You can have both heritage protection and more housing

    Heritage conservation has been blamed for making the housing crisis worse by standing in the way of new, higher-density housing. But protecting heritage and increasing housing should be complementary objectives. Heritage suffers when not enjoyed by our growing communities. Housing suffers when not shaped by our communal heritage.

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