Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 221) - Amanda York from Grimshaw on design authenticity & designing specifically for place Listen Now
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    The unhealthy symptoms of Sydney’s transport system
    The unhealthy symptoms of Sydney’s transport system

    As toll prices continue to rise quarter on quarter, traffic congestion only seems to be getting worse.

    Small modular reactors have promise. But we found they’re unlikely to help Australia hit net zero by 2050
    Small modular reactors have promise. But we found they’re unlikely to help Australia hit net zero by 2050

    Australia’s clean energy transition is already underway, driven by solar, wind, batteries and new transmission lines.

    Sodium-ion batteries are set to spark a renewable energy revolution – and Australia must be ready
    Sodium-ion batteries are set to spark a renewable energy revolution – and Australia must be ready

    The extent to which renewables should dominate Australia’s energy grids is a major issue in science and politics. Solar and wind are clearly now the cheapest form of electricity. But limits to these technologies can undermine the case for a renewables-only electricity mix.

    The CFMEU overhaul won’t do much to end the blokey culture that dominates Australian job sites
    The CFMEU overhaul won’t do much to end the blokey culture that dominates Australian job sites

    The Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union (CFMEU) is in crisis. Amid the headlines and allegations of standover tactics, thuggery and kickbacks, the construction division of the union has been placed in administration.

    Tone on Tuesday 221: The Art of Sustainability - Sustainable Art
    Tone on Tuesday 221: The Art of Sustainability - Sustainable Art

    Despite Kermit’s maxim that “it’s not easy being green” it seems design wants to go that way these days.

    The crisis brewing in aged care
    The crisis brewing in aged care

    In a country like Australia, we all expect that when we get old, we’ll be able to rely on a robust aged care system. But aged care providers can’t find staff and a crisis is brewing.

    Three perspectives on the future of precinct design
    Three perspectives on the future of precinct design

    Good precincts are places people want to spend their valuable spare time, not just their money, says Phil Schoutrop, architect and Precinct Sector Lead at Buchan. "People are looking for an experience - they're looking for a good time, not just the purchase of goods."

    The latest in building automation for commercial applications
    The latest in building automation for commercial applications

    With the digital revolution continuing apace, the emergence of things like open standard protocols are empowering architects and others to find fresh ways to make the most of building automation. Around the world, the introduction of ‘Smart Buildings’ – in which utilities are digitally connected, performance is optimised, and sustainability is maximised – is continuing to become more commonplace.

    Our cities’ secret gardens: We connect with nature in neglected green spaces just as much as in parks
    Our cities’ secret gardens: We connect with nature in neglected green spaces just as much as in parks

    Access to nature is essential for our health and wellbeing. However, as our cities become increasingly crowded, it becomes more and more challenging to find ways to connect with nature in urban spaces.

    Why modular design needs to think big for true affordability
    Why modular design needs to think big for true affordability

    Australia is caught in a perfect storm of rising property prices, a shrinking pipeline of new builds and a chronic affordability crisis. Across Asia-Pacific, there is simply not time, materials or trades available to meet the rapidly accelerating demand for housing with our current construction models.

    How NZ’s new housing rules risk cheap builds and shoebox apartments
    How NZ’s new housing rules risk cheap builds and shoebox apartments

    There is a lot of good in Housing Minister Chris Bishop’s new housing policy – especially in relation to mixed-use developments and intensification along transit corridors. But he has also proposed the abolition of minimum floor area and balcony requirements.

    Electric vehicles can provide the backup Australia needs - and here's the proof
    Electric vehicles can provide the backup Australia needs - and here's the proof

    Electric vehicles are an increasingly common sight on Australian roads. Each one cuts carbon emissions by half compared to fossil fuel vehicles, but increases household electricity use by 50%.

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