Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 226) - Studio.SC balances aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability across diverse projects Listen Now
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    The election result showed Australia’s huge appetite for stronger climate action
    The election result showed Australia’s huge appetite for stronger climate action

    As the polls closed on Saturday night, most election commentary focused on the dispiriting campaign where both major parties avoided any substantial division on policy issues and instead focused on negatively framing the opposing leader.

    HVAC that makes for comfortable, safe, and sustainable buildings
    HVAC that makes for comfortable, safe, and sustainable buildings

    While choosing HVAC systems has always been about keeping people comfortable, increasingly it’s also about ensuring the air they breathe is pure; and that the systems that deliver them this fresh air are sustainable.

    Australia’s cities policies are seriously inadequate for tackling the climate crisis
    Australia’s cities policies are seriously inadequate for tackling the climate crisis

    It will be impossible to tackle climate change unless we transform the way we build and plan cities, which are responsible for a staggering 70% of global emissions. Yet, Australia’s national policies on urban environments are seriously inadequate.

    How to create experiences to entice people back into the office
    How to create experiences to entice people back into the office

    If you build it, will they come? Not necessarily. It’s a lesson urban designers and city planners have learnt over many decades.

    Cost of living and affordability has come up again and again as a major concern of voters
    Cost of living and affordability has come up again and again as a major concern of voters

    Prices in Australia have sky-rocketed in recent years, with the ABS reporting that as of December 2021, the mean price of houses across the capital cities had risen by $44,000 to reach $920,100. Anxieties around homeownership and breaking into the housing market are high: according to the ABC’s Australia Talks survey, 65 percent of young Australians out of those surveyed did not believe that having their own home was a possibility.

    Roundabouts and car parks? The major parties are promising much on transport, but they should stick to their jobs
    Roundabouts and car parks? The major parties are promising much on transport, but they should stick to their jobs

    In the seat-by-seat slugfest that is the federal election, transport infrastructure is once again at the forefront. Small, hyper-local projects are a favourite of both major parties this time around. That’s even though small local projects, such as roundabouts and carparks, simply aren’t the job of the federal government, and in practice often go badly.

    Super for housing or the government as a co-owner: How Liberal and Labor home-buyer schemes compare
    Super for housing or the government as a co-owner: How Liberal and Labor home-buyer schemes compare

    At their first televised debate four weeks ago, Scott Morrison and Anthony Albanese were asked by an audience member how each would help his kids afford to buy their own home. Neither had much to offer.

    How 5G is changing smart cities in real-time
    How 5G is changing smart cities in real-time

    Smart cities are getting smarter by the day thanks to the increasing use of 5G.

    Why the budget should treat public health like transport – vital infrastructure with long-term economic benefits
    Why the budget should treat public health like transport – vital infrastructure with long-term economic benefits

    The global pandemic might have revealed the importance of robust public health infrastructure, but we still have trouble grasping the vital need to invest in it.

    Climate change hits low-income earners harder – and poor housing in hotter cities is a disastrous combination
    Climate change hits low-income earners harder – and poor housing in hotter cities is a disastrous combination

    Cost of living is a major focus in this election campaign, and yet political leaders have been unacceptably silent on the disproportionate impact of climate change on Australians with low incomes. This is particularly true for Western Sydney, home to around 2.5 million people.

    Tiny and alternate houses can help ease Australia’s rental affordability crisis
    Tiny and alternate houses can help ease Australia’s rental affordability crisis

    Rental housing in Australia is less affordable than ever before. It is no exaggeration to call the situation a crisis, with vacancy rates at record lows.

    Homelessness is common for teens leaving out-of-home-care
    Homelessness is common for teens leaving out-of-home-care

    Young people transitioning from out-of-home care – whether it’s foster, kinship or residential care – are disadvantaged in many ways. Many have experienced abuse, neglect, family hardship or illness. They may feel long-term grief due to family separation.

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