Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 225) - 2024 AIA Gold Medal Winner Philip Thalis on urban density, transport design and how to fix Sydney Listen Now
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    How to achieve net zero with renewables or nuclear?
    How to achieve net zero with renewables or nuclear?

    Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s plan to build seven nuclear power plants in Australia has attracted plenty of critical attention. But there’s a striking feature which has received relatively little discussion or criticism: the nuclear plants would be publicly owned and operated, similar to the National Broadband Network (NBN).

    Tone on Tuesday 217: 3 storey walk up flats are the best solution
    Tone on Tuesday 217: 3 storey walk up flats are the best solution

    We’ve discussed lots of solutions to the housing crisis recently. Different typologies: duplexes, townhouses, small (4 storey) and larger (8 storey) apartments (ToT 167). Ideas for the ‘missing middle’: 6 bedrooms, 6 packs and 6 storeys (ToT 210). And we explored the sustainability of apartments (Tot 213). But what’s the best?

    Is drone delivery a modern miracle or a band-aid fix for poor urban planning?
    Is drone delivery a modern miracle or a band-aid fix for poor urban planning?

    The chief executive of drone delivery company Wing says 2024 is “the year of drone delivery”. The company first went public in 2014 as a Google “moonshot” project and now operates in several cities in Australia, the United States and Finland, with plans to expand further.

    Here’s how to create jobs for First Nations Australians in the clean energy transition
    Here’s how to create jobs for First Nations Australians in the clean energy transition

    Done well, the renewable energy transition should improve the lives of First Nations Australians. Many are looking for ways to stay on Country, use their knowledge of Country and contribute to industries that align with their values.

    How energy from waste can reduce landfill, emissions and reliance on fossil fuels
    How energy from waste can reduce landfill, emissions and reliance on fossil fuels

    Energy recovery facilities (ERFs) are showing the way forward for sustainable management of non-recyclable waste by recovering energy from these materials that would otherwise be discarded in landfill.

    Design Notes: Ideas, issues and idiocies from the last fortnight
    Design Notes: Ideas, issues and idiocies from the last fortnight

    Debate is raging about Peter Dutton’s bomb throwing idea of nuclear power. Sizes, power output, timing, grid connections, waste. Very little about the designs, our main interest in this column.

    'Smart' traffic lights designed to ease road congestion on roads
    'Smart' traffic lights designed to ease road congestion on roads

    A UNSW transport expert may have the found the solution to one of the biggest pet peeves of drivers: sitting in traffic.

    The possible gas shortage in Victoria is a warning
    The possible gas shortage in Victoria is a warning

    Not far inland from Port Campbell in Victoria lie three depleted gas fields. These underground sandstone reservoirs now have a second life, as the state’s main gas storage, responsible for 30% of the state’s winter gas demand.

    How to build a circular economy
    How to build a circular economy

    Microfactories, an innovative approach to extracting value from waste materials, point the way to sustainable production and consumption.

    Victoria’s big build for housing relies on impossible targets
    Victoria’s big build for housing relies on impossible targets

    The Victorian government this week gave the state’s local councils a gargantuan task: solve the housing crisis by accelerating new housing.

    20-minute neighbourhoods and urban infill may help alleviate the housing crisis
    20-minute neighbourhoods and urban infill may help alleviate the housing crisis

    Master-planned communities on urban infill sites offer an opportunity to deliver on the 20-minute neighbourhood principles, with residents able to access their daily needs within a 20-minute walk from home while embracing key pillars of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    Three post-pandemic trends influencing design of performing arts hubs in schools
    Three post-pandemic trends influencing design of performing arts hubs in schools

    School performing arts programs are increasingly becoming more sophisticated in the opportunities and experiences they afford students, teachers and the broader community.

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