Talking Architecture & Design Podcast (Episode 212) - National President Elect of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects Adam Haddow on the future role of architects Listen Now
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    News Archive for May 2021

    And the most sustainable city on the planet is… Canberra!

    Consumer comparison and switching service Uswitch has conducted a study that has found that Canberra is the most sustainable city in the world.

    Minimum space for passing cyclists is now law Australia-wide. It increases safety – but possibly road rage too

    To protect cyclists on the roads, state governments in Australia have introduced laws that set a minimum space drivers must give cyclists when overtaking them. These laws are now in place nationwide, with Victoria the final state to join the ranks last month. But do these passing distance laws actually change drivers’ behaviour towards cyclists?

    Is this signal-jamming chandelier the next essential office device?

    A US designer has created a chandelier that blocks wireless signals and effectively prevents people from using their phones and other electronic devices within a 1.5 metre radius.

    Announcing the 2021 Sustainability Awards Jury

    The jurors for the 2021 Sustainability Awards are leaders of sustainable thinking and exemplars in their chosen field of architecture and design. With the expertise to deliberate, debate and decide on the winners of this year’s Sustainability Awards, the jury is a formidable force and each is strong in conviction and cause.

    New research presents proof of concept for rechargeable cement-based battery

    Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden have presented an innovative concept for rechargeable batteries made of cement, opening up new possibilities for sustainable and functional building materials.

    Dulux delivers durability and vibrancy at Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre

    Function and aesthetics played a major role in the specification of several Dulux products at Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre (VCCC), a purpose-built multidisciplinary cancer hospital and research centre in Melbourne.

    Green principles drive design of stunning Toorak home by John Wardle Architects

    Built with robust natural materials and designed to ensure the house will generate more energy than it will consume, the house is one of the greenest addresses in Australia.

    History podcast celebrates brutalist High Court of Australia’s 40th anniversary

    The High Court of Australia in Canberra is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the opening of its building, with an oral history podcast tracing the history of the architecturally significant construction.

    The beauty of concrete inside your home

    Concrete has many uses beyond building construction – there are many ways to include it inside your home.

    Worldwide design competition to redesign Port of Beirut

    The Beirut Municipal Council and Order of Architects & Engineers - Beirut has called on students around the world to submit entries for a new Port of Beirut, in the wake of the tragedy that saw the port and the adjacent part of the city destroyed in August 2020.

    How much can I spend on my home renovation? A personal finance expert explains

    Home renovation has long been something of a national sport for many Australians, but community demand for home fix-ups has reached fever pitch since the pandemic.

    Review shines light on megaproject fallout

    A review led by the University of Adelaide into the impact of urban megaprojects on water justice in South East Asia has revealed that urban megaprojects are having a negative impact on local water systems and deprive local communities of water-related human rights.

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