Crosby Architects in association with Lifehouse Design won the inaugural 10 Star Challenge in 2011

BDAV President, Tim Adams, said: “We recognise that 10-star rated homes are not for everyone, but for those wishing to reduce rising household costs and make a positive impact on the environment, this could be the answer.”

"BDAV members have shown that 10-star rated homes are easily achievable and we are now setting our sights on building one of these fantastic designs. Our long-term goal is to increase the awareness and availability of these houses among the public and we can only achieve that through demonstration and education.”

The building standard in Victoria has continued to rise in recent years and in 2011 was raised from 5 stars to 6 stars, demonstrating the need for building designers to respond to environmental change and develop more sustainable housing options.

Adams said that after the experience of last year’s inaugural 10-Star Challenge, BDAV members have expressed an interest to embrace the need to create not only sustainable residential homes but units, townhouses and apartments.

“Medium density and apartment living is a growing field and we are delighted to give members the chance to apply 10-star design principles in a new category in this year’s BDAV 10-Star

Challenge,” he said.

Entries for the 2012 10-Star Challenge close on April 30. Winners will be announced in July. For more information, visit