$769 million in taxpayer dollars will see 100 new public preschools delivered to NSW regional areas, recognised as the largest expansion of public preschools in the state’s history.

To be co-located at public primary school sites, all 100 preschools are anticipated to be completed within three years. The schools will be built across Western, South-West and North-West Sydney, as well as throughout the South Coast, Hunter, Illawarra, Mid North Coast, New England, Southern NSW, Northern Rivers, Far West, Riverina, South West Slopes and Central West regions.

The sites have been selected by the Department of Education, overseen by an independent Chair and Probity Advisor. Factored into the selection process has been the educational need for each community, child development and socioeconomic data, preschool demand, infrastructure feasibility and insights gained through consultation.

NSW Premier Chris Minns believes that early childhood education should not be defined by postcode or region.

“Children who receive high quality early childhood education can benefit throughout their life, and it is so important families are able to access good quality services wherever they live,” he says.

“This investment is an important step towards delivering expanded preschool access for all families across NSW.”

Preschools and primary schools in the one location will reduce costs, avoid ‘double drop-offs’ and ensure a seamless transition for students from pre to primary.

“This major step towards delivering 100 public preschools has involved work and consultation with our educators, teachers and local communities,” says NSW Department of Education Secretary Murat Dizdar.

“We are committed to working hard to deliver high quality education and closing equity gaps, so more families and children in NSW can access early childhood public education.”

An additional $29 million has been allocated towards an early childhood worker scholarship program, while $17 million will support capital works for early childhood services in areas of need. To see the full list of schools, click here.