Are you an architect who would like to give something back to the profession and the next generation of architects?

The Australian Institute of Architects NSW Chapter is looking for volunteer mentors at all stages of their professional career to take part in its Mentoring Program which is being launched in 2015.

The 2015 Program differs from previous years, shifting the focus from mentoring for students only to mentoring for all participants of the architectural community. The intention is for mentors to be closer in experience to mentees so that the generation gap is accessible. Students will be grouped with emerging architects; emerging architects will be paired with mid-career architects; and mid-career architects will be paired with more senior architects.

The Institute has had a strong response to the 2015 Program but needs more mentors like you.

The 2015 Mentoring Program is a structured initiative that will allow you to connect with students and emerging architects so that those hard earned lessons, that often cannot be taught in schools or universities and often missed in the workplace, can be passed on to younger colleagues eager to learn and contribute more to our profession.

Mentoring through the NSW Chapter Program provides the opportunity for a fulfilling association between experienced and less experienced practitioners over several months. It will be a rewarding experience for all who become involved and will help to foster a positive culture of intergenerational knowledge sharing, diversity and community spirit within our profession.

Whether your interest is design, business, teaching or any of the many facets of our profession, the 2015 Mentoring Program has a place for you.

The Mentoring Program launches in April 2015 and applications are now open for those interested in taking part. Applications close on Friday March 6. For further information and application forms please visit