The ACT Government has today adopted the National Construction Code in its entirety, which will see new homes built to a minimum energy standard of 7-stars.

The territorial government believes the adoption of the code will prioritise energy efficiency and accessibility. Improved water condensation management rules will reduce moisture in Canberra homes, with provisions made for commercial buildings to prepare for EV infrastructure. New liveable housing design standards which will maximise accessibility for all Canberrans.

“These new building standards set the benchmark for developers and builders to deliver sustainable and high-quality homes for people living in the territory,” says Minister for Sustainable Building and Construction Rebecca Vassarotti. 

"The rules in the 2022 National Construction Code are a fantastic tool for the ACT Government to make developers deliver better buildings in Canberra.  

“These new reforms are part of a bunch of changes we’re spearheading to make living in our city even better for everyone. 

“Already, we’ve started a registration program for engineers and introduced the first developer licensing scheme in the country to increase confidence in buildings being built in the ACT.”

Vassarotti says she is delighted to see the new regulations come into effect during her time as Sustainable Building Minister.

“The ACT adopted a range of significant technical changes to the National Construction Code in May 2023 and now with the remaining changes taking effect today, I am proud to say the ACT is the first jurisdiction in Australia to fully implement the 2022 edition of the National Construction Code.”