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The Australian Institute of Architects’ Student Organised Network for Architects (SONA) announced the national winner of SuperStudio, the 24 hour design competition held in August 2015.

The winning team consisting of three masters’ students from the University of South Australia, Cameron Keene, Tony Niutta and Josh Evans, were recognised for their project, Over the Gap.

Held at seven locations across Australia over two days early last month, the 2015 SuperStudio competition shortlisted 19 teams from the local events for the national round. The brief, Mind the Gap, created by Mulloway Studio directors Felicity Sando and Anthony Coupe focused on the theme of identity, with students asked to explore the tension around identity as it related to Australian culture through specified objects and urban frameworks.

The national jury was very impressed with all 19 submissions with the designers receiving appreciation for their creativity and thinking.

Anthony Coupe, Creative Director and Juror commented that it was interesting to see the groupings of response similarities, with airports, road trips, political commentary, and colocation of object and context being utilised as the main frameworks. He added it was also good to see designers recognise the necessity or opportunity to move away from traditional forms of outcomes and media.

Commenting on the national winning submission, ‘Over the Gap’, Coupe said the designers clearly identified the gap and explored the space of that gap, adding that the submission was tightly presented with a good level of humour and clear understanding of the relationship of meanings and nationality.

Felicity Sando, Creative Director and Juror noted that the winning entry represented an insightful and humorous design investigation about the possibilities for embedding cultural heritage experience, clearly taking on board the theme of ‘Gap’ with a considered interrogation of the potential for each unique cultural object.

The 2015 SuperStudio winners Keene, Niutta and Evans will travel to Venice in 2016 to attend the Venice Architecture Biennale, courtesy national sponsors, WoodSolutions.