Construction work has begun on the new Loreto Normanhurst Boarding School, a state-of-the-art educational facility designed by Sydney-based architectural practice AJC Architects to provide accommodation for 216 boarding students from Year 7 to 12.

Featuring a variety of room configurations to cater to different age groups and needs, the new boarding school will include 6-bed dormitories for younger boarders, as well as 2-bed and single rooms for senior students. Each room will offer generous, secure storage for the boarders while the shared bathroom facilities will be modem and designed with comfort in mind.

"We are dedicated to delivering a facility that meets the highest standards of design and functionality, ensuring a positive and enriching experience for all students," says AJC director Duo Green.

Envisioning a vibrant, safe, and student-centred living environment, AJC has incorporated various spaces for the students to socialise, study, meet, or retreat. A large dining room sits at the heart of these communal spaces, with the ample space sufficient to serve all boarders in a single sitting and also provide canteen facilities for all students.

The architects have capitalised on the school’s location on a steep escarpment by using the terraced level changes to create privacy, ensure security and maximise views to the oval and bush beyond. This approach helps reduce the building's scale as it steps down the hillside, weaving around existing trees to maintain the natural beauty of the site.

"As we boldly look to the future, we know that what has been right for boarding for the last 125 years, may not be for the next 125 years. Our new state-of-the-art boarding school has been designed with the needs of current and future Loreto Normanhurst boarders in mind and ensures we can continue our mission to shape women for our times," says Loreto Normanhurst principal Marina Ugonotti.