Architect’s Assist (AA), a couple-run referral service relying on the kindness of architect’s and building design providers hearts’, is aiming to help rebuild the homes of bushfire victims by connecting them to their best match.

Jiri and Aleksandra Lev, the founders of AA, started the referral service only a few days ago, but are already discussing the cooperation and coordination of the Australian Institute of Architects.

Although “it is early days of a very long run”, AA already represents close to 300 architecture and building design practices across Australia who are willing to dedicate some of their resources to pro bono work.

They also have a further 600 students and graduates prepared to help if the opportunity presents itself.

With small local businesses and community buildings also included in the program, these architecture and design services are “easily available to those who need them the most”.

“My own view is that we should offer free design and planning services to people who have no or very little budget to rebuild and will largely rely on recycling materials left of their homes (if any) and donations.”

“However, we do not refuse help to anyone who approaches us, even if it is just free general advice and subsequent referral to usual, commercial services of nearby professionals.”

 The humble coordination and referral service doesn’t have any funding and doesn’t ask for any.

“Our generous members are the ones doing the bulk of the work. As AA’s workload grows, we will engage help from other professionals and organisations.”

Image: Supplied

If you are an architect or building design professional willing to provide pro bono services, please go to: