Aurora Place has been described as an iconic mixed-use project located in the heart of Sydney's Central Business District. The development includes a 41-story commercial tower, an 18-story residential building, and complementary retail amenities surrounding a vibrant piazza.

Occupying some 49,400 m2 and bordered by Phillip Street, Bent Street, and Macquarie Street, Aurora Place was collaboratively developed by Lend Lease and East Asia Property Group. The exceptional design of this remarkable endeavour was conceived by the internationally acclaimed architect, Renzo Piano.

But now, the character of Aurora Place is claimed to be ‘under attack’ from a refurbishment that has some architects up in arms.


Image:  +61 (0) 417 288 612

According to one prominent Sydney architect who opted to remain anonymous, “In my opinion, the proposed works to the Forecourt, the Ground Floor Cafe and the entry doors are sympathetic to the original design concepts and are not of a concern. It is the proposed treatment of the ground floor lift lobbies, the concierge area and the interior of the lifts that is changing the character of the entire experience of accessing this iconic building.”

Furthermore, says this architect, “The timber cladding in the lobbies and the lifts was described as the "world of wood" by Renzo Piano himself, a warm heart of the building. The timber lining is very well maintained and has aged beautifully, a quarter of a century later it still looks and feels as inviting and fresh as it was on the day of the opening.”

“The design of it is bespoke, sensitively detailed to complement the timeless design of the orange hues of surrounding terracotta panels which were Renzo Piano’s homage to Australia's red centre,” the architect notes.

By creating Aurora Place, Renzo Piano said he dared to defy the predictable nature of conventional office tower architecture, allowing the structure to rise with graceful contours and enchanting shapes.

Internally, he reimagined the office setting, infusing it with a human touch to foster imaginative thoughts and unrestricted exchange of concepts.

Piano's originality and distinct nonconformist essence permeate every aspect, ingrained within the very essence of Aurora Place.

Image: Roberto Portolese

In other words, “any intervention of such nature,” says this architect, “should ideally be governed by the same set of principles as the ones considered when refurbishing heritage listed building fabric.”

“A sensitive approach to refurbishment needs to respect and celebrate the original design intent. By doing so, we respect the vision and craftsmanship of the original designers, placing the building in its historical context, including the materials and construction techniques.”

Asked as to where this could set a precedent for other renovations in NSW, the architect notes that “It can easily be interpreted in such a way.”


+61 (0) 417 288 612