The Australian Institute of Building (AIB) has released its policy priorities for the 2013 Federal Election.

“With the election date now known, the Australian Institute of Building will be proactively advocating five key policies which of critical importance to the building profession,” AIB national president Robert Whittaker says.

“Firstly, AIB advocates the need for a graduate development program for construction managers, and is requesting funds for such a program to be established and operated by the AIB.

“Further, increased funding is needed for Safe Work Australia, and increased funding is needed for suicide prevention and improving mental health amongst construction workers.

“Fair Work Building and Construction needs more financial support, and the powers of the former Australian Building & Construction Commissioner reinstated.

“National Construction Code should be freely available online, and more accessible on a range of electronic devices. Funding is also needed for the education and up-skilling for construction workers to properly utilise the National Construction Code.

“We also advocate the need for an office for construction compliance which would aim to ensure compliance of, and improve standards of, both workmanship and products.

“Over coming weeks I look forward to speaking to Federal MPs and senators about these critical policies, which if implemented would further national productivity and economic growth,” Whittaker stated.