As part of their submission to the NSW Government on Planning Reforms, the Australian Institute of Building (AIB) has proposed a number of key recommendations on NSW building regulation.

“For the new planning system to work in delivery, there must be a holistic solution which delivers consumer quality confidence of the built product”, said Mr Chris Bulmer FAIB, AIB NSW Chapter President.

Mr Bulmer suggested there are two essential components required to attain a quality outcome.

“Firstly, the role of the Chartered Building Professional needs to be recognised in legislation,” he said.

“On a progressive basis during project delivery, acting independently, the Chartered Building Professional should be required to sign off that the building is compliant with the technical standards.”

Mr Bulmer went onto to say that it should also be mandatory for all commercial building contractors to be licensed.

“NSW and the Northern Territory are the only jurisdictions in Australia that do not require commercial builders to be licensed. It makes no sense that you need a licence to build a home extension, but not a multi-storey residential tower. “

“Licensed builders should also be required to adhere to a professional code of ethics,” he added.

“I look forward to speaking with the NSW Government to give further feedback on the White Paper and the required construction reforms,” concluded Mr Bulmer added.