The Australian Institute of Building (AIB) has come out in support of ‘The Coalition’s Policy to Improve the Fair Work Laws’, and in particular the policy to re-establish the Australian Building & Construction Commissioner (ABCC).

“Our members, who are mostly construction managers, have suffered because of the abolition of the ABCC and the resulting lawlessness on construction sites, and even on the streets of Melbourne”, said Mr Robert Hunt, AIB Chief Executive Officer.

“With the ABCC in operation from 2005 to 2012, the culture on construction sites was changing for the better. However, those gains were reversed with the watering down of legislation to maintain law and order on construction sites.”

“Therefore, it’s very important for professional builders, the industry and the country that the ABCC is re-established with its full powers and we endorse the Coalition’s policy released yesterday.”

The AIB are applauding the right of entry provisions in the document and the focus on productivity, with industrial action being allowed only if agreed to by the Fair Work Commission if the claims are deemed to be realistic.

“We also support proposed review by the Productivity Commission of the Fair Work laws, union officials being subject to the same accountability and penalties as company directors, the proposed creation of the Registered Organisations Commission, as well as the proposed provisions regarding Greenfield agreements”, Mr Hunt added.