6 lanes of Centurion EasyGate LX from Centaman Entrance Control have been installed 321 Exhibition Street, Melbourneas part of its $32,000,000 refurbishment.

Part of the requirement for the building refurbishment was for an integrated access control system, lift destination control system and turnstile solution to limit access to the building to only authorised occupants and visitors and to speed up pedestrian movement in to and up through the building.

The final solution design incorporated the Schindler Port access and lift destination control system integrated with Centurion EasyGate LX speedgates so when staff enter the building they scan their card at the turnstile, which in turn directs them to the next available lift going to their specific floor whilst verifying they can access the building at that specific time.

“The integration of the Schindler PORT displays and the EasyGate turnstiles… gets people in to and through the building as fast as possible to achieve the throughput levels demanded by Cromwell Property Group who own and manage 321 Exhibition Street” said Michael Bystram, Entrance Control Manager at Centaman.

For more information on CENTAMAN Systems visit www.entrancecontrol.com.au