Boral Timber hardwood products have been used in the re-development of the Burnside Village shopping precinct in Adelaide, South Australia.

As part of the re-development 7,300m2 was added to the existing Burnside Village building, expanding the centre to more than 100 shops.

The eye-catching centrepiece of the refurbished precinct is a 21 metre curved glass roof, covering an 18-metre high 100-year-old River Red Gum tree.

Providing a natural link to this focal point, Boral Timber commercial decking, standard decking and structural hardwood timber was specified for various locations throughout the centre. 

Commercial decking in Spotted Gum species was used along the centre’s northern façade including the stair treads and disabled access ramps.  Boral Timber’s Mixed Hardwood F27 seasoned structural hardwood and Ironbark F14 unseasoned structural hardwood was also used as joists throughout the centre.

Paul Harrison, architect with The Buchan Group said, “With the River Red Gum tree at the heart of this unique development, we took the opportunity to build on the existing timber palette.  As a building material, timber offers a rich texture and adds warmth to the centre. 

“When selecting the timber we wanted to select a species that complemented the River Red Gum and we felt that Spotted Gum was the perfect choice. The Spotted Gum also complements the steel and glass used in the outdoor seated areas, creating a warm and inviting zone for patrons.”