The University of Tasmania’s Centre for Sustainable Architecture with Wood (CSAW) has announced its latest series of Master Classes in timber design.

These are two-day Master Classes in timber engineering to AS 1720 Timber structures. The Master Classes will be held in most Australian capital cities in April and May, 2013.

CSAW’s Dr Jon Shanks said that the Master Classes have been developed to offer the practicing engineers an opportunity to develop design skills targeting commercial and larger structures in timber.

“This is a very important area of professional development given the growing interest from Architects, clients and developers in using timber as a structural material in all types of buildings,” said Dr Shanks.

By the end of the Master Class, participants will be able to understand the properties and behaviour of timber in structures, use AS1720.1 – Design methods and have an awareness of AS1720.4 – Fire resistance for structural adequacy of timber members amongst various other skills.

The Master Classes use case studies, tutorials, instruction and interactive sessions to grow knowledge and skills in timber use in buildings. They have been developed and will be presented by:

Geoff Boughton FIEAust CPEng PhD MEngSci BE
Geoff is director of TimberEd services, a consulting engineering practice in Perth WA. He is a member of the Standards Committee that develops AS1720.1 and the relevant ISO committee. He is principal author of The Timber Design Handbook.

Jon Shanks MIStructE MEng CEng PhD
Jon has worked as a consultant engineer designing large timber buildings all over the world, including CLT structures, gridshells and domes. He has a PhD in timber engineering and actively teaches timber at university level. He is passionate about wood and has hand-built a full range of timber structures including a bike and a house.

The Masterclass is eligible as Professional Development for the IEAust.