Fair Work Building and Construction (FWBC), the new regulator of workplace laws in the building and construction industry, began operations on Friday, 1 June 2012.

FWBC Acting Chief Executive Leigh Johns said it was an important day for Australia’s building and construction industry.

“Today marks the start of a new independent and standalone, specialist regulator of Commonwealth workplace laws in the building and construction industry,” Johns said.

“My staff and I are committed to supporting a balanced framework for cooperative, productive and harmonious workplace relations in the building and construction industry."

"We are focused on the needs of the industry. We want to ensure that there is an environment where the building and construction industry can attract strong investment, skilled workers and deliver vital national infrastructure."

"Our education, advice and compliance services are targeted to support and build the capacity of the industry to be the best it can."

“FWBC is here to assist Australia’s building and construction industry to operate in a fair and productive manner. We want to help the industry to get on with the job.”

Building inspectors

FWBC was created by the Fair Work (Building) Act 2012 (FW Building Act).

The agency is headed by the Acting Chief Executive, Leigh Johns.

Bill Shorten MP, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, appointed Mr Johns on 30 May 2012.

Brian Corney takes up the position of FWBC Chief Counsel and Michael Campbell is Chief of Field Operations. An Advisory Board, to be appointed by the Minister, will assist the work of FWBC by making recommendations about policies to guide the performance, priorities and programs of FWBC.

Johns said the new agency stands ready to monitor compliance with workplace laws, investigate and, when necessary, commence legal proceedings in relation to breaches of those laws.

“We are well resourced with expert staff and have offices in every Australian capital city.”

FWBC is open for business and ready to assist all building and construction industry participants. Go to www.fwbc.gov.au or call the FWBC Hotline on 1800 003 338.