ICS Penetron is widely recognised as an international leader in the field of concrete waterproofing, protection and repair. It has been used as far afield as the Kariba Dam in Zimbabwe.

Penetron’s waterproofing effect is achieved by the reaction of the various chemical components contained in the solution when combined within the concrete matrix. The compound penetrates deep into the capillary tracts of the concrete by pressure of osmosis and forms crystals that completely seal the capillaries and shrinkage cracks to drive out moisture. The process works with or against the pressure of water. In the absence of moisture, ICS Penetron components lie dormant.

Should moisture recur at any time, the chemical action and sealing process repeats itself automatically and advances even more deeply into the concrete. Penetron chemicals will continuously seal and reseal due to their chemical nature. Crystalline growth from capillary waterproofing has been measured nearly as deep as one metre from the point of application. A further advantage is that Penetron is 100 per cent compatible with concrete, brick, mortar, and stone.

Penetron is recommended for use in any concrete or block structure where it is required to keep water in or out, and should also be applied to concrete or block structures exposed to potential water or chemical attack and in need of permanent protection.

The company is based in New York, but the product is available through its Australian branch.

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Source: BPN