A national survey by carbon offsetting site clickgreen.com.au has revealed that the environment is the most important factor when selecting a product (40 per cent) followed by cost (35 per cent).

The survey of 4000 people found a staggering 80 per cent of people are now actively seeking out products with a positive environmental impact, although 70 per cent of consumers are naturally sceptical of “green marketing”.

Founder of clickgreen.com.au Nathan Isterling said,” On one hand consumers are environmentally aware, but they’re easily put off by companies, who over step the mark by pushing green messages to make a buck.

Deceptive conduct in the context of green marketing claims won’t be tolerated by consumers and we’ve already seen the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission take action."

When asked to rank the most important measures to combat climate change: cutting greenhouse emissions was number one; using renewable energy sources two; less energy consumption in households three; and government set emission targets was last.

The survey results support the trend of Australian companies improving their own environmental policies such as carbon offsetting and developing new products that have a minimal impact on the environment.

Clickgreen.com.au is an Australian owned and operated site that offsets users’ carbon emissions by planting trees when people click on relevant advertising offers or invite friends to join the site.