Working closely with Australian Standards, Wesbeam and its software engineering consultants have developed an accurate, easy-to-use modelling tool that helps reduce design time.

The new look e-house software includes a ‘one touch update’ facility that allows the user to be upgraded automatically as the software continually improves its features and functionality.

Easy-to-use graphics with 3D drawings have also been included. To ensure that e-house is a comprehensive design tool, the software has 55 member types available to design as well as the capacity to load multiple wood-based structural products.

A sorting function enables outputs to be sorted by product, price, strength or stiffness. The output sheet can also be tailored to the user’s requirements.

Prices can be linked to products and company logos, contact details and indicative pricing can all be added to the output sheet if required.

All of the features of e-house create a strong platform for the future development of the program.

Go to to download the e-house software.