Safety Flooring is calling on architects, specifiers and designers to encourage the federal government stimulus funding be spent only on 100 per cent Australian made, environmentally sustainable products, and not be sent offshore.

"The government's Building the Education Revolution means an injection of nearly $15 billion to build or upgrade Australia's schools," says Loretta Pearson, director of Safety Floorings. "We want to encourage schools to spend that money within Australia, and so Safety Flooring, like many companies, is marketing its 100 per cent Australian-made, recycled credentials as the key benefits of its product range."

The Comcork range from Safety Floorings is 100 per cent Australian made and Green Star compliant. It is tough-wearing with anti-slip and acoustic properties, making the range suitable for internal and external applications within the school environment.

Safety Flooring also supplies the full range of A1 Rubber recycled rubber flooring products and tiles particularly suited for areas requiring impact-resistant surfaces, including sporting areas, multi-purpose gymnasiums and swimming pool surrounds.