Australian Exhibitions & Conferences (AEC) has announced it will launch a new eco-event targeted at the complete construction industry in 2012.

With foundation partner the Master Builders Association of Victoria and endorsed by the City of Melbourne, Future Build will seek to attract multi-disciplinary key decision makers such as architects, specifiers, assets managers and facility managers from a broad range of industry sectors.

It will take place from 2 - 4 October 2012 at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre.

It says it will be unlike current conferences that offer an exhibition, or trade shows that have accompanying seminars, and it will offer “a ‘complete experience’ shared equally between a significant, cutting-edge trade expo and a multi-conference/seminar program”.

New products and technologies from sectors including the commercial, education and healthcare construction industries will bring together sustainable building products & materials, lighting manufacturers, building technologies/systems, renewable energy, professional services and more.

Brian Welch, executive director at Master Builders Association Victoria said: “The show will bring together some of Australia’s leading building technology manufacturers, suppliers and experts specifically targeting the commercial building environment including town planning, architecture and design, retro fitting, building waste management and recycling. It’s about the industry getting together to build on its collective knowledge to help shape a better more sustainable environment — from which we all benefit”.