New directions in Australian climate research, strategies to adapt to a changing climate and emerging energy options will dominate discussion at the climate change science conference Greenhouse 2009, to be held in Perth from March 23 to 26.

According to conference convenor and co-ordinator for the Australian Climate Change Science Program, CSIRO’s Paul Holper, the event will attract some of the world’s leading climate scientists, policy makers and government and industry representatives.

“There has been tremendous research progress since the launch of Australia’s climate change projections in 2007,” Holper says. “While interest continues to be dominated by research into the physics of the climate system, government, community and industry needs are now considerably broader especially in terms of managing the projected changes.”

The conference program will cover a range of issues, from the latest Australian and international climate change science to examples of how industry and government are tackling climate change. There will also be information on approaches to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and on the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.

Speakers include: the author of the Garnaut Climate Change Review, Professor Ross Garnaut; the Director of the CSIRO Climate Adaptation National Research Flagship, Dr Andrew Ash; the NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory’s senior scientist, Dr Michael McPhaden; University of Hawaii Associate Professor of Oceanography, Axel Timmerman; Assistant Secretary of the Department of Climate Change, Anthea Harris and; the head of the Department of Sustainability at Curtin University, Professor Peter Newman.

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