HIA has elected Tasmanian builder, Stuart Wilson, as the Association’s new National President.

HIA Managing Director, Shane Goodwin, said Stuart Wilson is the Association’s first National President from Tasmania and brings extensive experience and a detailed understanding of the operation of the residential construction industry and the many issues faced by builders, developers and building product manufacturers.

The HIA Board and members paid special tribute to HIA’s Immediate Past President, Jill Lee, who served as HIA National President for the last two years. “Jill was an outstanding National President and helped guide the industry and association through many challenges over the last two years”, said Shane Goodwin.

At HIA’s National Policy Congress a new Board member was also elected. “HIA congratulates Brian O’Donnell on his appointment and acknowledges with much appreciation Peter Grigg who steps down from the Board after many years of dedicated service to both the housing industry and HIA”, Mr Goodwin said.

HIA’s new National President, Stuart Wilson, has identified a number of challenges for the industry, highlighting housing affordability, unnecessary cost, taxes and red tape in his maiden speech.

“Those who seek to remove the rights of contractors to run their own affairs will face an onslaught from HIA to protect those rights and the rights of Australians to own an affordable home”, said Stuart Wilson.

The Sir Phillip Lynch Award of Excellence for 2011 was awarded to Bob Mirowski. Mr Mirowski was a key player in the establishment of HIA in Tasmania.

“Bob Mirowski has always given an enormous amount to industry but in recent years was responsible for freely giving his time to construct the Youthbuild facility at Claremont College to help young people get an introduction to the building industry”, said Mr Goodwin.