New RMIT hub building on the left and remnants of the CUB site in Swanston Street in Carlton. Photo: Craig Abraham courtesy The Age article.

However, the researchers have found that buildings with glazed façade systems could consume energy for heating and cooling up to 60-70 per cent of operational costs. The challenge is to have energy efficient buildings that still look impressive.

The research is being led by Dr Tuan Ngo and Dr Lu Aye, who says multi-skin façade systems are a sound choice for improving the sustainability of commercial buildings in Australia and overseas. To date however, the performance of MSF systems under extreme conditions such as fire, blast, wind and impact, has not been well investigated.

Supported by a $1m grant from the Australian Research Council and international company Permasteelia Group, this work will significantly advance understanding of MSFs and enhance the capabilities of Australian façade manufacturers and engineering.

“We anticipate that this research will impact upon the future façade design of new buildings and the refurbishment of existing buildings. We are targeting two key national research priorities; working for Australian industry and safeguarding Australia,” said Dr Ngo.

“We believe this research and subsequent technology is highly valued, tradable and critical for sustainability, safety, security and economic longevity. The outcomes and knowledge gained for this research can be applied not only in Australia but also in other parts of the world,” he said.

Drs Ngo and Aye are also considering the climate variations within Australia. For Northern Australia, for example, where cyclonic conditions are more prevalent, more durable layers of skins may be required. Testing of new products will be conducted in a number of Australian sites.