Carpet tile manufacturer, Interface Australia, has supported the merger of the government departments of Climate Change and Industry and Innovation under Minister Greg Combet, claiming it is the way forward for Australian businesses to achieve future sustainability – both environmentally and economically.

Interface believes that the joining of industrial and climate responsibilities under one department has the potential to transform the broader business community, by helping to change attitudes about the increasing responsibility for business to think more sustainably.

After their Picton based factory burned to the ground in July last year, the company decided to rebuild a facility in Minto, NSW, that will produce almost zero water effluent and will have the lowest carbon footprint of any comparable manufacturing facility.

Interface has also designed the factory to ensure sufficient profitability to manufacture in Australia, and aims to start making carpet again in September.

Like a growing number of businesses, Interface believes in the idea that Australian companies can be ‘green and profitable’; and sees a growing economy in terms of reducing environmental impacts, and the journey to cleaner industries not as a cost but as a chance to innovate and be more profitable.

Interface have developed a business philosophy goal called Mission Zero –which includes eliminating any negative impact the business may have on the environment by 2020.