LandCorp is seeking a partner to develop the northern 120ha of its Eglinton landholding to help optimise land availability within the rapidly-growing corridor.

WA Lands Minister Brendon Grylls said this was the first phase for LandCorp to identify a development company or consortia to participate in an exciting partnering opportunity.

“This is the first stage of LandCorp’s wider Eglinton landholding (241.57ha), east of Marmion Avenue,” he said.

“Located just two kilometres from the coast, when fully developed there is potential to deliver about 3,000 housing lots for a future population of up to 7,500 people.

“The State Government’s vision for Eglinton is to create a well-planned community estate providing a variety of home sites, affordable living options and community facilities within the rapidly-growing and much sought-after North West metropolitan corridor.

“Located in the City of Wanneroo, Eglinton is just over four kilometres north of another important partnering development, Alkimos, being delivered in partnership by LandCorp and Lend Lease.”

The Minister said the Eglinton partnering opportunity was part of a wider strategy to work with private developers to create fresh, contemporary neighbourhoods for West Australians.

“Selection of a development partner will be through a two-stage process,” he said.

“Once Expressions of Interest (EOI) are assessed, a short-list would then be invited to respond to a detailed Request for Proposal.

“I encourage development industry to embrace this opportunity to be part of the creation of a sustainable new community.”

All documentation for the EOI can be obtained at

EOIs must be lodged with LandCorp by 2pm on Thursday, May 5, 2011.