The President of the Master Builders Association of Victoria, Greg Zuccala, has announced the resignation of Executive Director Brian Welch.

“Brian Welch has led Master Builders here in Victoria for 19 years. He has been a passionate voice and fervent advocate for the state’s building and construction industry,” said Mr Zuccala.

“In that time, Brian has transformed the organisation and helped it rise to be the preeminent representative of our sector, with a record membership and a solid financial strength.”

“On behalf of our Board, I thank Brian for his outstanding professionalism, loyalty and commitment to the Association.”

“Brian will remain onboard until August to provide a smooth transition to his successor and ensure the organisation is best placed to meet the ongoing needs of our members without disruption.”

Mr Zuccala stated that Master Builders’ Deputy Executive Director, Radley de Silva, would take over Mr Welch’s role in August 2013, which will be then known as Chief Executive Officer.

“Radley de Silva has been our Deputy Executive Director for 12 years and has been fundamental in ensuring Master Builders is financially secure and responsive to the needs of Victoria’s building and construction employers,” Mr Zuccala said.

“He has previously held senior management positions both in Australia and abroad across the finance, travel and insurance industries as well as trade associations.”

“I am confident that Radley and his team will strongly represent the needs of our members and businesses in the sector, both large and small,” concluded Mr Zuccala.