The Property Industry Foundation (PIF) has set its sights on raising more than $300,000 for homeless youth from this year’s National Hard Hat Day to be held on Friday, 17 June.

The annual National Hard Hat Day campaign is the property industry’s workplace-giving program and encourages employers and employees to donate at least an hour’s pay to a nominated children’s charity project.

“The National Hard Hat Day is an important day for the property and construction Industry because it’s about giving back to the community and highlights the need to continue supporting underprivileged youth,” said Rosemary Smithson, Chief Executive Officer of the Property Industry Foundation.

“Companies can become involved in a number of ways by hosting breakfast or morning tea or by planning fun competitions which can help to drive the incentive a little further,” said Rosemary.

Proceeds from National Hard Hat Day will go towards a number of designated charity projects including Marist Youth Care, Open Family Australia and PCYC.

National Hard Hat Day marks the second fundraising event on PIF’s calendar, following the success of the Charity Regatta in March which raised over $400,000 for a number of building projects for homeless and disadvantaged youth across Sydney.

“It’s great to see a growing number of businesses taking part in the campaign each year and we encourage everyone from the industry to take part in whatever way they can,” said Rosemary.

Last year’s National Hard Hat Day raised more than $323,053.

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