Master Builders has voiced their disappointment after a disallowance motion on the Building Code 2013 failed to pass in the House of Representatives.

The national Building Code adopted on 1 February 2013 outlines workplace relations arrangements builders and contractors must comply with when tendering for Government work.

Wilhelm Harnisch, Chief Executive Officer of Master Builders Australia said the national Code should have been wiped off the legislative books.

"The national Code aims to nullify positive industrial relations reforms undertaken by State and Territory governments and has created much confusion in the industry,” said Mr Harnisch.

"It ambiguous and essentially forces builders and contractors to choose between tendering for State and federal Government work.”

Mr Harnich believes the Code also creates additional unnecessary OHS paperwork requirements without practically improving safety.

"Australia's workplace relations system needs grassroots reform. The Building Code 2013 is a retrograde step and creates more ambiguity for union officials to maliciously exploit.”

"Had the Government consulted with the industry and stakeholders when preparing the Code, these practical issues could have easily been avoided," Mr Harnisch said.