Responses towards the changes to the National Construction Code (NCC) in regards to window restrictions have been positive, with many window manufacturers welcoming the changes made by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB).
“Manufacturers are accepting of the legislation and are requesting information from the AWA to ensure they are providing correct solutions to their customers,” Australian Window Association marketing and communications manager Gary Smith says.
The AWA has written articles and created a key message to explain all of the requirements since the change – all are available on its website.
“This information has been released to the industry in general, builders, architects, designers, certifiers, surveyors so word is spreading quickly of the new requirements,” Smith says.
Australia’s leading glass manufacturer, Viridian, welcomed the changes.
Viridian’s general manager of marketing Lachlan Austin says, “Safety messaging is a central part of Viridian’s operations. As an industry leader we see it is our responsibility to ensure important regulation changes are communicated to all parties in the industry.
“Viridian works closely with designers, architects and specifiers offering comprehensive advice on regulation requirements and industry codes. We are here to assist all parties in complying with these new regulation changes and advise on any implications they create in the glass and window selection process.”
SafetyLine Jalouise louvre windows at a Wellington Point home
Additionally, lourve window manufacturer Safetyline Jalousie welcomes the changes and mentions lourve windows already comply with the new standards, while the majority of windows currently on the market do not, requiring some form of modification or additional device to meet the requirements.
Safetyline Jalousie louvre windows have a width of 123mm and an opening of 106mm, already complying to the restriction of 125mm.
Not only do windows need to comply to these safety measures, but there are other safety considerations to be made around windows. Such as making sure all open and are not painted or nailed shut, in case of emergency. A full list of window safety tips is available from the AWA here.