Design Brief

The home was a conservation listed workers' cottage under Leichhardt Council sitting on a block of land no greater than 109 sqm.

It was dark, damp and in very poor condition so the owner wanted to keep only the front facade and common walls for conservation purposes.

The rest of the home was to be removed and re-designed allowing for open plan living, maximum daylight levels and good cross ventilation.

Design Solution

Since the block of land had an east / west orientation the challenge other than the small building footprint was to somehow get the winter sun to penetrate into the floor space whilst still achieving privacy from the surrounding neighbours.

The cottage had two common walls on the north and southern sides so Distinct Innovations designed a glass light and air shaft in the centre of the floor plan which was located on the northern common wall.

The shaft provided high daylight levels and fresh air into the centre of the floor plan and the remainder of the spaces were designed around the light and air shaft.

Consultants & Contractors

Building Designer – Luke Van Jour, Distinct Innovations Pty Ltd

Photographer - MoNeek Photography

Builder - Hysdall


This article was written with the assistance of Building Designers Australia.