Auzion has welcomed news that the Renewable Energy Target (RET) legislation has been passed in parliament, allowing them to apply for solar credits to reduce the cost of installing solar power.

"Solar grid connect power systems are a great solution for home owners or business operators wanting to be more sustainable and save money on their energy use," says Auzion managing director, Mark Leckenby (pictured here). "Our solar 1.4 KW photovoltaic grid connect system saves home owners on average about 25 per cent of their energy costs, which taking into account the solar credits available, makes it possible to recoup their initial out-of-pocket investment on these systems within five years."

There has been uncertainty surrounding the solar credit system because of the sudden withdrawal of the solar rebate scheme on June 9, and because the RET legislation was originally presented to parliament as part of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, which was voted down in the senate earlier this month.

"There is no income cap on solar credits so everyone is eligible and the delays created by the rebate application process will be eliminated," says Leckenby.

Auzion will, for a limited time, be offering their own rebate for those that missed out on the old rebate scheme. Their rebate of $2,000 on a fully installed 1.4 KW, added to Solar Credit Scheme, means the cost to householders will be just $3,995.

"All people will pay upfront is $195, with an option to pay the balance via a green loan, with the energy savings people will get offsetting the loan repayments," he says.

Auzion have also developed the AuziMax energy maximiser system, which is an optional add-on to the old system which allows the home owner to log into a web portal to monitor their energy usage, set automatic email alerts on excessive consumption, and enable smart switching of loads to maximise the amount of solar energy fed back into the grid. Home owners can also monitor the levels of renewable and conventional power they are using.