Standards Australia has announced that a revised standard relating to the construction of residential slabs and footings will be published in early 2011.

“The residential slabs and footings standard is critical for the building and construction industry and it is important to raise awareness,” said Colin Blair, chief executive, Standards Australia.

Blair said following extensive consultation with stakeholders - including industry, government and consumers - a revised version of AS 2870 Residential Slabs and Footings is due to be published.

“The Standard will specify performance requirements and designs for footing systems for houses and for ground conditions common in Australia. It will provide guidance on the use of engineering principles in design,” Blair said.

“The Standard will provide a new industry benchmark to meet the contemporary needs of consumers and housing design,” Blair said.

Blair said the review process for an existing standard is rigorous and aimed at producing consensus from all stakeholders.

“The process ensures that industry, consumers and the broader community are given opportunity for input, so that an agreed approach can be developed,” he said.

Information seminars are being held in February 2011 in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Hobart to educate interested parties on the new Residential Slabs and Footings Standard.